I have a sick obsession with vision boards. I make so many throughout the year! The reason I am constantly making new boards, however, is due to the fact that vision boards truly do help you to attain your goals. I have accomplished so many personal goals because of my addiction to vision boards and I'd like to share a little vision board 101.
Never make your vision board too big.
I'm not telling you to have small goals, by all means dream as big as you possibly can! What I am saying is that having a very large vision board and overwhelm you and make it seem impossible to accomplish all that you have posted on the board. Start small and when you are done accomplishing all of the goals on one board, make a new one.
Always make your vision board as specific as possible.
Don't just cut out pictures of beautiful islands with amazing sunsets and paste them on the board with a caption that says "Travel More". Pick specific places that you would like to travel to and go into detail about those places. Also, find pictures to place on your board that you believe directly describe the places that you would like to visit.
Place your vision board in an area where you will see it every day.
I always keep my vision board somewhere near my bed because I like to wake up to my goals and fall asleep dreaming about them. I have even gone as far as to hang pictures of my goals over my bed so that I can look directly up at them every morning and every night. Other great places to hang a vision board include the bathroom (perhaps on the back of the bathroom door or make one that will fit inside the door of the medicine cabinet) or on the freezer.
Be realistic with your vision board.
You must be realistic with your goals! I can't stress how important it is to set goals that are actually attainable. You will only disappoint yourself by setting goals that are either way over your head or ones that simply do not make any sense.
Take it one step at a time.
Focus your energy on attaining one goal at a time. This is sort of a repeat of the first tip, but taking on more than you can handle will certainly leave you feeling stressed out about your goals...which leads me to my next tip...
Have fun accomplishing your goals!!
Your goals should be those things which once accomplished add more happiness and satisfaction to your life. Don't just make something a goal to attain just for the sake of doing it. You will only add extra stress to your life when you look at goal setting in this way. Make your vision board as creative and fun as you possibly can.
And finally, Make sure you review your goals.
Don't just paste a whole bunch of pictures on your vision board and never look at them. Your vision board isn't there for decoration. It is a tool that you are using to create the life that you want for yourself. Whether your goal is to become more fit so that you can look and feel healthier or your goal is to go back to school so that you can finally become a nurse, review your goals and keep track of your progress through journaling or some other form of reflection. If you don't remind yourself of what your goals are and what they mean to you, then how can you attain them?
I love this I have never thought of doing a vision board!!