Saturday, January 12, 2013

Vision Board 101

I have a sick obsession with vision boards. I make so many throughout the year! The reason I am constantly making new boards, however, is due to the fact that vision boards truly do help you to attain your goals. I have accomplished so many personal goals because of my addiction to vision boards and I'd like to share a little vision board 101.

Never make your vision board too big.

I'm not telling you to have small goals, by all means dream as big as you possibly can! What I am saying is that having a very large vision board and overwhelm you and make it seem impossible to accomplish all that you have posted on the board. Start small and when you are done accomplishing all of the goals on one board, make a new one.

Always make your vision board as specific as possible.

Don't just cut out pictures of beautiful islands with amazing sunsets and paste them on the board with a caption that says "Travel More". Pick specific places that you would like to travel to and go into detail about those places. Also, find pictures to place on your board that you believe directly describe the places that you would like to visit.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Make life a party

Everyone likes going to parties. (and if you don't, well that's just a shame) Wouldn't it be great if your entire life was one giant party where all you did was celebrate and have fun?
One of my favorite songs is a spanish song by Celia Cruz titled "La Vida Es Un Carnival" or "Life is a Carnival". In the song Celia reminds us that there is no reason to cry over life. We should be enjoying life instead and rejoicing in all of the beauty that life has to over. Easier said than done, right? Wrong. And I'll tell you why.
Life is meant to be enjoyed, to be adored and most of all to be lived! Just like you can't enjoy a party by standing by being a wall flower, you can't enjoy life by standing back and watching it go by. Live it up! Dance on the dance floor of life! Get rid of the crying, the feelings of being alone, the temptation to believe that everything is bad and you'll be a couple steps closer to enjoying your party.
How would you feel if you were invited to a very special party specifically thrown for you and when you got there all you did was stand by the punch bowl and wallow in your sorrows and fear? You would feel like a dummy the following day and I'm sure whoever threw you the party would be a little ticked off that you wasted their time. Think of life as a friend who is throwing you a grand party that you can enjoy every last minute of it. Don't waste life's time. Don't throw away a free party. Make the party as fun as possible. Smile! Laugh! Dance! Forgive just as you forgive those drunk people on the dance floor who continuously spill drinks on your new party dress! Get over your fears and do that new dance that you've been practicing in your bedroom mirror!
Life is a carnival. We all love carnivals and I believe that I'll enjoy my own personal one a lot more now that I realize life has thrown a party just for me.

Monday, January 7, 2013

6 ways to tap into the power of words

The words we use daily contribute to much of our success and to much of our demise. Our words have power and it is important for us to start seeing words as the powerful weapons that they are in order for us to enjoy a fulfilling life. I am beginning to think about my words as physical entities that have the power to uplift or destroy the life I live. I truly believe that changing the words that we speak will not only create more beauty in the world, but will also create a more beautiful life for ourselves. Here are 6 ways to tap into the power of words.

1. Practice being silent from time to time.

You would be surprised at how much silence can teach you about the power of words. During the day we utter thousands of words and more often than not many of those words aren't the most pleasant nor do they serve us and others in a positive way. By setting aside time in your day to practice being silent, you can catch a glimpse of the words that you would have said had you not chosen to remain silent. This exercise allows you to assess the words that flow through you even when you are not speaking. Remember: Our thoughts ultimately contribute to the words we speak. Taking time to look over the thoughts and words that flow through you when you are silent can give you an accurate depiction of the words you speak on any given day. We often follow daily patterns and the words we choose to speak are no exception to those patterns. I was initially taken back when I first began to practice this exercise because I realized that I had many negative words sitting on the tip of my tongue waiting to be spoken. Now, I try to do this exercise at the beginning of my day to remind me that I can go through out my day spewing out tons of negative words or I can sit in silence and observe those words that will only bring myself down as well as others and choose not to speak them.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

5 tips to simplify your life

Every once in a while we all feel as if our lives are extremely cluttered.
One way to deal with that clutter is to simplify your life and begin to focus your attention on those things that are really important in order to have a balanced life. Here are some techniques that I have used in order to simplify my own crazy life:

1. Clean your closet!

It may seem insignificant, but having a clean closet can really make a difference in your life. Not only will you be able to function easier in the morning when you are trying to decide what to wear, but when you are out shopping having a clean closet helps you not to spend money on those clothing items that you already have an abundance of. I love going through my closet at least once every two months and removing from it clothes that I can no longer fit or that I simply don't wear. I don't just stop there however; I also remove shoes, belts, and accessories that are no longer any use to me and I place all of these items in a bag so that they can be donated. Cleaning out my closet has become a source of relaxation for me and as I mentioned before, I don't spend money anymore on pointless clothing items that I know I already have because I am aware of what is in my closet.

2. Throw away the past!

I am the worst at this. I love to hold onto things forever and ever because I love to remind myself of great moments that happened in the past. There comes a point when you just don't have room to store every single piece of sacred history anymore. What I have done is taken a large shoe box and placed significant things such as birthday cards or old notes from friends into it. When I see the box is beginning to overflow, I either get rid of some of the things in the box that I could do without, or I clean out other parts of my closet and give away other items so that I can fit another shoe box filled with memories into the closet. I don't throw away pictures because they will always be memorable, but other items such as your collection of baby teeth (Only God knows why people hold on to those) you may have to say adios to. Giving up pieces of the past makes room for more of the present.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Set goals to achieve the life you desire

My main focus for 2013 is to create the life that I desire and one way I plan to do this is by setting attainable goals.

In 2011, I seriously began to set goals and to work on pursuing my dreams. I first began doing this in September of 2011 when I set out to obtain a GPA of a 3.7 at my new school. As time progressed and 2012 eventually came, I had accomplished that goal and I began to see that if I continued to set attainable goals and focus my time and energy on their completion, then it was entirely possible for me to live the life that I desired.