Monday, January 7, 2013

6 ways to tap into the power of words

The words we use daily contribute to much of our success and to much of our demise. Our words have power and it is important for us to start seeing words as the powerful weapons that they are in order for us to enjoy a fulfilling life. I am beginning to think about my words as physical entities that have the power to uplift or destroy the life I live. I truly believe that changing the words that we speak will not only create more beauty in the world, but will also create a more beautiful life for ourselves. Here are 6 ways to tap into the power of words.

1. Practice being silent from time to time.

You would be surprised at how much silence can teach you about the power of words. During the day we utter thousands of words and more often than not many of those words aren't the most pleasant nor do they serve us and others in a positive way. By setting aside time in your day to practice being silent, you can catch a glimpse of the words that you would have said had you not chosen to remain silent. This exercise allows you to assess the words that flow through you even when you are not speaking. Remember: Our thoughts ultimately contribute to the words we speak. Taking time to look over the thoughts and words that flow through you when you are silent can give you an accurate depiction of the words you speak on any given day. We often follow daily patterns and the words we choose to speak are no exception to those patterns. I was initially taken back when I first began to practice this exercise because I realized that I had many negative words sitting on the tip of my tongue waiting to be spoken. Now, I try to do this exercise at the beginning of my day to remind me that I can go through out my day spewing out tons of negative words or I can sit in silence and observe those words that will only bring myself down as well as others and choose not to speak them.

2. Surround yourself with positive words.

In the morning, I have started to read daily devotions that are filled with positive words to reflect on as I start my day. Starting my day off in this way fills me with powerful words that go deep inside of me and encourage me to utilize them as the day progresses. A lot of times I am tempted to use negative words toward myself or others and then I remember one of my devotions and I repeat the devotion (as much as I can remember) over and over until the negative words that I wanted to say are gone. My life has changed dramatically because I start my day off this way. I have a lot more self-control over the things that I say because I am able to replace the negative words with more postive and loving ones.

3. Give up cussing. Seriously.

When you are younger it might seem like fun and games to cuss all of the time because you are wild and carefree, but as you get older cussing becomes addiction that leaves a very bad taste in your mouth. To put it quite honestly, using cuss words to express yourself is unattractive and doesn't hint at any sort of intelligence. Also, cussing is typically frowned upon in society and cuss words aren't necessarily considered to be positive. Once you begin choosing to express yourself using cuss words, it can be extremely hard to break the habit. I am currently trying to do this and it is taking me a lot longer than I expected it to. I have a very bad habit of cussing, especially when I'm angry, but I know that with time I can overcome this habit and clean up my speech for the better. Choosing to stop cussing is ultimately your choice, but I believe that using more postive words will not only make you feel better as a person thus adding to the quality of your life, but also positive words won't leave a bitter taste on your tongue.

4. Focus on using your words to build up yourself and others.

This means stop gossiping and passing judgement with your words and stop using your words to harm yourself and others. Don't talk about other people in a way that will tear them down, but instead, talk to and about others in a way that will raise them up. The same goes for the words that you speak about yourself. Stop saying bad things about yourself. Your quality of life will change in an instant when you start to use your words to say beautiful things about yourself and those arround you.

5. Start visualizing your words.

Begin to visualize your words as either white light or black smog. When I am in a great mood and I am being careful to monitor my words, I try to visualize my words as coming out of my mouth with a white light surrounding them. When I am angry or in a negative mood, I visualize the bad words that I say as being covered in black smog. This mental exercise helps me to see what types of words are associated with light and which ones are darkness. Of course the idea is to allow more words that are surrounded by light to come out of your mouth thus adding brightness and positive vibes to your life.

6. Start predicting your life with your words.

When you wake up in the morning say to yourself "Today is going to be an amazing day!" When you want to purchase a new car start saying to yourself "I have the new car that I want, that car is mine!" Stop using your words to bring negativity and destruction into your life. Instead, start using your words to create the life of your dreams. Using your words in this way will allow you to attract the positive things that you desire in your life. If you want to break a bad habit use your words to do this as well. Say to yourself "I am no longer controlled by my anger." (if getting angry all of the time is the habit that you wish to break)

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